What is the SOS Approach Feeding Difficulties

What is the SOS Approach Feeding Difficulties

What is the SOS Approach Feeding Difficulties By Brenna Hicks True or false? The #1 priority of the human body is eating. Well, believe it or not that statement is FALSE. Breathing is actually the 1st! Our bodies require good oxygenation, and without it our bodies...
What Is PROMPT Therapy?

What Is PROMPT Therapy?

PROMPT therapy has become extremely popular over recent years, especially for kids who have apraxia. PROMPT is an acronym for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. It is a tactile-kinesthetic technique. This means the therapist touches the patients...
Picky Eater vs. Problem Feeder

Picky Eater vs. Problem Feeder

By: Brenna Spellissy MS, OTR/L Eating! We all like to eat and enjoy different tastes and textures. We like going to restaurants and socializing with friends. Eating is such an important part of our lives. So, what happens when your child has difficulty with eating and...
5 Ways you Can Get Your Toddler to Talk More

5 Ways you Can Get Your Toddler to Talk More

Here are some speech and language therapy techniques that you can use at home to get your toddler to talk more. 1. Get them around other children their age or slightly older. My son goes to an in home daycare where he is the youngest. He started at 7 months and now he...
What are the early signs of Autism

What are the early signs of Autism

It is scary when your toddler is not saying many words. Many times during initial speech and language evaluations parents will ask me if I think their child may have Autism. Unfortunately, as speech-language pathologists, we cannot diagnose Autism. We can just tell...
What is Occupational Therapy?

What is Occupational Therapy?

Most people hear occupational therapy and they think it’s helping people get jobs. Then you say pediatric occupational therapy and then they are really confused. So what exactly is occupational therapy and how can it help my child? Occupational therapy helps people...